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Guide for export of goods - Trade - European Commission

Author: Geym

May. 06, 2024

Guide for export of goods - Trade - European Commission

Does your company plan to export goods outside the EU? This section helps you understand if your company is ready for exporting and outlines the different steps of the export process.

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Ten key steps to successful exporting

Follow these ten tips to help you export your products or services successfully

1. Research your market

Does your prospective foreign customer need what you are selling at the price that will yield you a profit? What is the competition and how will they react?

2. Implement an export strategy and review your capabilities

Ask yourself: what would my business gain from exporting?

3. Construct an export plan

Define how you will enter the foreign market. Finalise human resources and marketing strategy and allocate an adequate budget to cover export start-up costs.

4. Choose your sales presence

Establish whether you need a direct sales operation. Or is an agent or distributor more effective? How will you manage your overseas sales presence?

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5. Promote your product

How are you going to market and sell your product? Customise marketing to the target country.

6. Get the Customs side right

Contact HM Revenue & Customs and the UK embassy of your destination country to clarify requirements. Make sure your reporting practices are watertight.

7. Get paid on time

Ensure your cashflow will remain at a safe level. Guarantee sufficient credit for your future sales. Take out insurance cover if necessary.

8. Choose your distribution methods

Consider the implications of selling over long distances and across national frontiers.

9. Transport goods effectively

Assess and choose the most effective transport method and make sure the goods are insured by you or the importer.

10. After-sales policy

Regularly liaise with customers, export agents and banks. Monitor political unrest or other adverse conditions in the country of destination. Manage regular servicing and warranty claims.

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